Monday, March 2, 2009


happy snow day! :D
its just about the only good thing about winter
getting time off from school.

so this weekend was busy I guess. I had a volleyball tournament on saturday. but let's not even talk about that. it went AWFUL! our coach like curses at us and stuff. even if we're tied. its badddd. i really hate it.

so tomorrow i have school. yipee yi yay. not. i am happy though because I have art and all we're doing is playing around with clay which is a nice break for the brainn haha :D 

today I watched the hunchback of notre dame. mostly because I am singing a song from it and I've never seen it before. It was pretty good. the gargoles (sp?) are really cute :D

my school play is going well. I recently memorized alll my lines. (we had to memorize them by tomorrow anyways because we will be off book) our preformance is in less than a month so im pretty sikkked & scared! :o

okkay well that was a suuuper boring blog but I just wanted to update you on some things. wellll bye :)

xox sage

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