Friday, January 8, 2010

heyro heyro

hello out there, even though i am talking to no one but i like it that way. i consider this blog my "other" diary.

you know the song "haven't met you yet" by michael buble. yeah that song describes my life

don't really fee like getting into detail with that one, but i really just wanted to say that.

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out

oh damn all so true :/
it will happen. i will make it happen. im such a fureak.

so what did we learn today?
you can fall in love with people; you've never even met <3

(^^^) KBYE.

dedicated: to him.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

okay, i have not made a blog in months.

so much has changed. it's funny re-reading my old stuff.

infact, i forgot i even had a blog?


im not the old sage anymore. this is a good thing, trust me.

i have almost a completely new set of friends. i still say hello to my other friends here and there but i was just getting really sick of them

okay okay i know that sounds awful, but i just don't think we really clicked. they're were great people, just not my friends anymore.

no fall outs, no fights, just change.

this year i made JV soccer freshman year. great? yes. terrifying? extremly.

i was practically peeing in my pants when i found out. honestly, so scared.

ive never played up before, i just wanted to be on the freshman team...but i got a whole lot more than that. in the end, it was a good thing. im less nervous about playing. much less nervous.

midterms are this week, hmmmmmmm.

i went on a cruise this summer to alaska. honestly, i miss everyone on it. especially one person. no its not what you're thinking i didnt have some kind of crazy vacation romance. theyre just really cool/chill. i miss them. :(

no new news really. not that anyones is going to read this! (not that i want anyone toooo!)


Friday, April 17, 2009

sorry for the lateness

jeez I can never find time to write a blog!

well now I have a little time, so I'm filling you in.

so happy spring break! well actually its almost over. so I went to my grandpas house. 

it was okay. we watched a movie every single night...

bolt- its okay...just your average pixar movie
slumdog millionaire- really goood, no idea why its rated R though...
marley and me- I cried at the end! And now I really want to become a collunist when I grow ip haha
the secret lives of bees- good should watch it

so theres my reviews! :) 

so tomorrow I have a volleyball tournament .... whooopdeee doo

actually im excited cause im carpoooling with my closestt friend on the team and then shes sleeping over...should be a lotttttttt of fun :) <3

well thats all for now
i know im being boring right now
and i say the word well a lot...haha

xox sage

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

so why do you hate me again?

there is just one thing that ticks me off more than everything else.
when someone hates you 

for absolutely NO reason.

its just like "so why do you hate me again?"
maybe she just doesn't like my hair color
or am I just too annoying for her?
does she not like it when I wear red clothes?

so yes there is this girl that is like mad at me for no apparent reason
she keeps giving me these evil glares. like seriously? grow up.

i wish she was reading this right now so she'd feel like an idiot.

so today at lunch I went to go to talk to my friend that sits at another table.
meanwhile, this girl is like "where's sage?"
one of my suuper close friends said, "oh just taking to stacey (not her real name)"
"good" is what the girl replied with.


so of course my good friend (call her renee) tells me it.

and then the girl is in some of my classes after lunch so I try to act nice to her the whole time and smile at her if she looks at me

she just gives me the good old stink eye.

grow up already. 

oh and one of my other friends who I told something to a while ago
that she said she wouldnt say
she says it
right to the girl
thanks a lot.
really I so apperciate it
you little backstabber.

it was nothing mean that I said
I just didn't want my one friend to know.

so yeah. im just having the best week ever.
hope yours is going better than mine :)
xox sage 

Monday, March 2, 2009


happy snow day! :D
its just about the only good thing about winter
getting time off from school.

so this weekend was busy I guess. I had a volleyball tournament on saturday. but let's not even talk about that. it went AWFUL! our coach like curses at us and stuff. even if we're tied. its badddd. i really hate it.

so tomorrow i have school. yipee yi yay. not. i am happy though because I have art and all we're doing is playing around with clay which is a nice break for the brainn haha :D 

today I watched the hunchback of notre dame. mostly because I am singing a song from it and I've never seen it before. It was pretty good. the gargoles (sp?) are really cute :D

my school play is going well. I recently memorized alll my lines. (we had to memorize them by tomorrow anyways because we will be off book) our preformance is in less than a month so im pretty sikkked & scared! :o

okkay well that was a suuuper boring blog but I just wanted to update you on some things. wellll bye :)

xox sage

Friday, February 27, 2009


well first off sorry for not writing for so long! here are my excuses...

-my  internet on my computer has been down for a while
-so much homework!
-the school play
-voice lessons

so yeah, i've been pretty busy. but anyways I'm going to talk to you guys about somethinggg.

so anyways theres this kid in my french and s.s. class and I talk to him sometimes or w/e I guess we're kinda friends.

the other day this girl on my vball team was like "do you like (let's call him tim) tim?" 
I said, "um no?"
"well he just texted me and said he likes you," she said.
and then the whole rest of practice she and this other girl were like "you should so go out with him!" "he's so talented!" and crap like that
at first I though they might just be telling me a rurmor but then..

my friend comes up to me in school and she's like "someone was wanting ur number"
im like what?
so basically this guy thats in the play with me thats friends with tim texts her and asks if she has all the leads numbers. then he asks for mine because he wants to give it to someone. and then he says, oh nm he wants to get it himself.

im just like crap! i dont want to give him my number

so Im nervous that he is going to ask me out and I don't know what to do!
Oh and on top of all that my friend went out with him before
and i would never go out with him!!! and I wouldn't do that to my friend!

I've just been ignoring him the past couple of days. 

I just realized I say so i lot! haha

now im going to habachi with my biffffer so i gotta go.
thanks for listening to me vent.

xo sage. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i never knew...

hello internet. 

so I just got back from my friends partayy and it was actually a lot of funn. we stayed up till like 4 so now im exhausted but it was worthh it. :]

oh and i just got a follower! :] (thanks! haha) 

okay well from the party I just went to I learned a lot about one of my friends. It's weird how you can go through living life with not knowing something about someone else. I would have never expected it either. sorry im going to kind of keep you out of the loop right now by not telling you what I learned because I don't think it would be right to say it on the internet. she trusted me with something and im going to honor her secret :]

I just realized I actually learned a lot a about other people. It's strange how one night can change the way you look at a person forever.

so happy sunday :] im so happy because tomorrow I don't have school since it's like president's weekend. i have yet another day to sleep in late. yayy me 

okay well I really don't have anything interesting to say todayy. but that's alrightt. I think this is like my fourth day blogging? && I love it! :] seriously it's amazing. 

xo sage