Friday, February 27, 2009


well first off sorry for not writing for so long! here are my excuses...

-my  internet on my computer has been down for a while
-so much homework!
-the school play
-voice lessons

so yeah, i've been pretty busy. but anyways I'm going to talk to you guys about somethinggg.

so anyways theres this kid in my french and s.s. class and I talk to him sometimes or w/e I guess we're kinda friends.

the other day this girl on my vball team was like "do you like (let's call him tim) tim?" 
I said, "um no?"
"well he just texted me and said he likes you," she said.
and then the whole rest of practice she and this other girl were like "you should so go out with him!" "he's so talented!" and crap like that
at first I though they might just be telling me a rurmor but then..

my friend comes up to me in school and she's like "someone was wanting ur number"
im like what?
so basically this guy thats in the play with me thats friends with tim texts her and asks if she has all the leads numbers. then he asks for mine because he wants to give it to someone. and then he says, oh nm he wants to get it himself.

im just like crap! i dont want to give him my number

so Im nervous that he is going to ask me out and I don't know what to do!
Oh and on top of all that my friend went out with him before
and i would never go out with him!!! and I wouldn't do that to my friend!

I've just been ignoring him the past couple of days. 

I just realized I say so i lot! haha

now im going to habachi with my biffffer so i gotta go.
thanks for listening to me vent.

xo sage. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i never knew...

hello internet. 

so I just got back from my friends partayy and it was actually a lot of funn. we stayed up till like 4 so now im exhausted but it was worthh it. :]

oh and i just got a follower! :] (thanks! haha) 

okay well from the party I just went to I learned a lot about one of my friends. It's weird how you can go through living life with not knowing something about someone else. I would have never expected it either. sorry im going to kind of keep you out of the loop right now by not telling you what I learned because I don't think it would be right to say it on the internet. she trusted me with something and im going to honor her secret :]

I just realized I actually learned a lot a about other people. It's strange how one night can change the way you look at a person forever.

so happy sunday :] im so happy because tomorrow I don't have school since it's like president's weekend. i have yet another day to sleep in late. yayy me 

okay well I really don't have anything interesting to say todayy. but that's alrightt. I think this is like my fourth day blogging? && I love it! :] seriously it's amazing. 

xo sage

Saturday, February 14, 2009

hey what's up?

I am loving the picture I made for this blog site! :] (I edited on oh and that's not actually me, but the girl in the picture is really pretty and it's like a mysterious picture so i picked it. (and we both have blonde hair so that counts for something right?)

so in like less than an hour I am going to my friends party (whooot) today is her birthday/valentine's day 

it's also my grandma's birthday, or should I say was my grandma's brithday. she passed away almost 2 years ago. so i am going to dedicate this blog entry to her. i miss you and love you nan <3

okay so i am a youtube addict and there's this one channel called venetian princess. her videos are halarious! she does like celeberity (sp?) parodies. okay so the point is she just made this video and she is trying to beat out miley cyrus for the number one female spot for most subscribers. so join team VP and help her beat out miley and show the world that a normal girl can have the most subscribers! SUBSCRIBE && tell all of your friends to subscribe!!!!! :) (sorry i don't know how to put up the video on the blog, so here is the link!)

i think that's the right link...if it isn't search venetian princess on youtube you won't regret it.

well i gtg. tell you all about the party tomorrow :]

xo sage

Friday, February 13, 2009

going out with the famm = embarrassing

ayo its sage.

and yes im leaving another blog. but a least today is a new day. I would have left it sooner if it wasn't for my internet spazzzing out.

today the topic is embarrassing moments while being out with your family. 

for instance, this situation just occurred to me today. like less than an hour ago.

so me, my brother, and my dad went to get some ice cream. i was hoping I wouldn't run into anyone I know because I looked like crap but as luck would have it I did. okay so last year there was this supppper hot kid on my bus. anyways so I was eating my ice cream or w/e with my family and he walks in with his 2 other friends. I was sitting there. In a puffy blue winter coat. Next to my brother and my Dad. On a Friday night. I just loooked oh so cool. He might not even have recognized me but I just felt so embarrassed. 

i guess as you get older it's just not cool to hang out with your family anymore. I mean if you get seen with them in public on like a weekend night it makes you look like you have nothing better to do than "hang out with your fam" and the truth is right now I really don't have anything better to do but surf the internet maybe.

so yeah that was a quick blog tonight. but I will definitely be blogging sunday about my friend's party and how everything goes with thatt. read my last blog to learn more about why i will be blogging about this partayyy. 

alright well tutalooo 

xo sage

Thursday, February 12, 2009

heres to another blog

hey whats up. im using a different font :]
actually it's really bothering me, so I'm going to go ahead and switch it if you don't mind...

alright I like this one better. so you guys are so lucky because I'm writing another blog in the same day! (okay so I was just bored and wanted to vent but whatever)

I just came back from volleyball practice. If I didn't mention that before, I do play volleyball too. 

Our team has so much DRAMA! Seriously you'd think I was in acting class or something. I hate girls and their stupid drama. Like there are these girls on our team that think they're better than EVERYONE ELSE! and they're really not. every single game we loose, they cry. yes i mean real tears. but that's only if we're lucky. mostly they throw fits and curse out the refs. it makes our team look greaaat! Oh and the best part about it is our coach doesn't do anything about it! SHE LOVES THEM!? It's just so messed up, I could go on for hours about this specific topic.

okay well anyways moving on.

I was just watching george lopez which if you haven't watched it. go turn on nickeloden(i have no idea how to spell it) right noww! it is halariouss

blogging is actually really fun. I don't even care if no one ever reads this because it's just a good way to let your thoughts out to people you don't even know or no one at all!

as long as we're on the topic of venting...let me vent some more!

okay so I have these two really good friends, right? we hang out a lot together and usually have like sleepovers and stuff together. but when we're in school, let me call them friend A and friend B, A acts like B is her best friend and it's so annoying. she's always like "B I love you so much" or "I wish B was here" and it just pisses me off. she like takes me for granteed?! Oh and like once I had this little get together with some of my close friends at my house and she still acts like that! I did confront A about it once and let her know that it was bothering me and A assured me she wouldn't do it again, BUT A DOES ANYWAYS! A has also told me that she does like me more than a friend than B, and the only reason she acts that way to B is because she feels bad that they don't spend as much time together as we do. The problem is I just never want to hang out with the two of them because they're so damn annoying. And I'm not the only one that thinks this, my other friends agree. Like this weekend I was invited to one of my best friend's parties and I was actually thinking about not going because both of them were going and I hate when they're together. But I would hate it more if they spent time together and I wasn't there. B isn't even friends with the girl! I wish she just hadn't been invited. I'll tell you all about the party on Sunday...

A+B = C getting pissed off

^ haha i love this :]

don't you hate it when you like a guy you know that's never going to like you back? i hate that. well it's not like it's impossible that he would like me back, it's just not probable. let's call him...HK (hot kid haha :p) so let me describe HK. (I really hope that sometime during this I don't type his actual name, cause that is so something I would do) he is really hot. and athletic.. not to mention he's smart! he gets As and is in high math. and his hair is perfect. like literally perfect. and he's really funnnnnny!!! the only problem is that he's alreay gone out with like the most popular girls in our grade, which makes me the normie not have much of a chance... godd I wish I could just make out with him just once! lol :] so yeahh. I'm done because I'm afraid someone I actually know might read this even though I know there is a very loww chance of that!
so byee! :]

xo sage 

first blog


yeah ill stick with this font. so basically i just stumbled across this "blog site" and decided to make one. why not I have things to say right? who knows if anyone will ever read this but I just will enjoy writing it :]

first off. my name isn't actually sage. i just thought it sounded nice as sage said. and besides I don't need some random stalker watching my or something haha just kidding. 

so I guess since this is my blog I should talk a little about myself correct? 

well I won't make this one of those boring about me's that everyone writes because they can't get enough of themselves. (just kidding) okay well i play guitar for one. not for a very long time only since about march last year but it's fun. I also love to act and sing. someday I hope you will see me on the big screen...but I doubt it. writing is also one of my other hobbies. my diary is like my best friend lol. want to know something about me? ask my diary :]

I hate cold weather. the second I get out of highschool I am moving to warm sunny california (well at least that's my plan)
I can't wait until summer. I love everything about summer. except the bugs.

that's enough with the "hobby section" but there is a little bit you didn't know about me.

oh and also my birthday is in ten days! :] yayy its on the 22nd if you didn't figure that out already. which also happens to be george washington's birthday

I have one brother, a mom, and a dad. pretty normal family. they don't know much about me because I never tell them a thing. if they ever read this blog they'd probably learn something. I always hide my diary in different places because I never want my mom to find it. That would be awful. I don't even want to think about that...

I got this mac computer for christmas and now I am obsessed with it. macs are seriously beastt. the main websites I go on are facebook, buddy4u, polyvore, and picnik. yeah i love all those sites. hopefully now ill be coming on this website a lot too :] 

right now I'm going to go check out this site and see what it's all about
I have no idea the next time I will be blogging, but i'm sure it will be soon
so to anyone who actually read this. thanks and bye!

xo sage