Thursday, February 12, 2009

first blog


yeah ill stick with this font. so basically i just stumbled across this "blog site" and decided to make one. why not I have things to say right? who knows if anyone will ever read this but I just will enjoy writing it :]

first off. my name isn't actually sage. i just thought it sounded nice as sage said. and besides I don't need some random stalker watching my or something haha just kidding. 

so I guess since this is my blog I should talk a little about myself correct? 

well I won't make this one of those boring about me's that everyone writes because they can't get enough of themselves. (just kidding) okay well i play guitar for one. not for a very long time only since about march last year but it's fun. I also love to act and sing. someday I hope you will see me on the big screen...but I doubt it. writing is also one of my other hobbies. my diary is like my best friend lol. want to know something about me? ask my diary :]

I hate cold weather. the second I get out of highschool I am moving to warm sunny california (well at least that's my plan)
I can't wait until summer. I love everything about summer. except the bugs.

that's enough with the "hobby section" but there is a little bit you didn't know about me.

oh and also my birthday is in ten days! :] yayy its on the 22nd if you didn't figure that out already. which also happens to be george washington's birthday

I have one brother, a mom, and a dad. pretty normal family. they don't know much about me because I never tell them a thing. if they ever read this blog they'd probably learn something. I always hide my diary in different places because I never want my mom to find it. That would be awful. I don't even want to think about that...

I got this mac computer for christmas and now I am obsessed with it. macs are seriously beastt. the main websites I go on are facebook, buddy4u, polyvore, and picnik. yeah i love all those sites. hopefully now ill be coming on this website a lot too :] 

right now I'm going to go check out this site and see what it's all about
I have no idea the next time I will be blogging, but i'm sure it will be soon
so to anyone who actually read this. thanks and bye!

xo sage 

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