Thursday, February 12, 2009

heres to another blog

hey whats up. im using a different font :]
actually it's really bothering me, so I'm going to go ahead and switch it if you don't mind...

alright I like this one better. so you guys are so lucky because I'm writing another blog in the same day! (okay so I was just bored and wanted to vent but whatever)

I just came back from volleyball practice. If I didn't mention that before, I do play volleyball too. 

Our team has so much DRAMA! Seriously you'd think I was in acting class or something. I hate girls and their stupid drama. Like there are these girls on our team that think they're better than EVERYONE ELSE! and they're really not. every single game we loose, they cry. yes i mean real tears. but that's only if we're lucky. mostly they throw fits and curse out the refs. it makes our team look greaaat! Oh and the best part about it is our coach doesn't do anything about it! SHE LOVES THEM!? It's just so messed up, I could go on for hours about this specific topic.

okay well anyways moving on.

I was just watching george lopez which if you haven't watched it. go turn on nickeloden(i have no idea how to spell it) right noww! it is halariouss

blogging is actually really fun. I don't even care if no one ever reads this because it's just a good way to let your thoughts out to people you don't even know or no one at all!

as long as we're on the topic of venting...let me vent some more!

okay so I have these two really good friends, right? we hang out a lot together and usually have like sleepovers and stuff together. but when we're in school, let me call them friend A and friend B, A acts like B is her best friend and it's so annoying. she's always like "B I love you so much" or "I wish B was here" and it just pisses me off. she like takes me for granteed?! Oh and like once I had this little get together with some of my close friends at my house and she still acts like that! I did confront A about it once and let her know that it was bothering me and A assured me she wouldn't do it again, BUT A DOES ANYWAYS! A has also told me that she does like me more than a friend than B, and the only reason she acts that way to B is because she feels bad that they don't spend as much time together as we do. The problem is I just never want to hang out with the two of them because they're so damn annoying. And I'm not the only one that thinks this, my other friends agree. Like this weekend I was invited to one of my best friend's parties and I was actually thinking about not going because both of them were going and I hate when they're together. But I would hate it more if they spent time together and I wasn't there. B isn't even friends with the girl! I wish she just hadn't been invited. I'll tell you all about the party on Sunday...

A+B = C getting pissed off

^ haha i love this :]

don't you hate it when you like a guy you know that's never going to like you back? i hate that. well it's not like it's impossible that he would like me back, it's just not probable. let's call him...HK (hot kid haha :p) so let me describe HK. (I really hope that sometime during this I don't type his actual name, cause that is so something I would do) he is really hot. and athletic.. not to mention he's smart! he gets As and is in high math. and his hair is perfect. like literally perfect. and he's really funnnnnny!!! the only problem is that he's alreay gone out with like the most popular girls in our grade, which makes me the normie not have much of a chance... godd I wish I could just make out with him just once! lol :] so yeahh. I'm done because I'm afraid someone I actually know might read this even though I know there is a very loww chance of that!
so byee! :]

xo sage 

1 comment:

  1. omg.. sounds like a REALLY suckish volleyball team!good luck w/ that!
